Grown for its foliage, the tiny round leaves of the string of nickels plant resemble small coins dangling on a cord. The rot will start at the stem turning yellow and hollow and leaves falling apart. Shipped with USPS First Class Package. Dischidia Oiantha 5” #3. It could be related to Dischidia oiantha, whose leaves are more elongated. Dischidia oiantha (Mini) quantity + Add to cart. The leaves are storing moisture and nutrients and naturally settle ants. Young leaves are occasionally with powdery bloom. Dischidia White Diamond is also known as Dischidia Oiantha Variegata. In bright light the normally green leaves will take on a purple hue. Dischidia nummularia - String of Dollars - Lovely hanging plant - Short cutting of at least 4 leaves TheBaobabBranch $ 2.23. I had wanted to list all the Episcia and their ID with images here. Keep reading to learn how I grow this amazing epiphyte!Million Hearts Plant is actually Sold Out. Dainty bell shaped white flowers in clusters at the leaf nodes. Mildly toxic if ingested. Welcome to my Tropical Garden Blog in Malaysia. I find this particular dischidia does well as a companion plant on other epiphyte especially on staghorn fern and birdnest fern - these ferns has strong fibrous root structure that support this dischidia to cling on them well. Once the aerial roots grows from the leaf nodes and get embedded inside the kokedama - it is considered stable. Great for baskets or mounted on mossy wood to create shingling effect. Dischidia ovata can bloom after sudden temperature fluctuations. Dischidia nummularia (String of Nickels) is a slender, creeping epiphyte often forming dense masses on trees on which it occurs. Flowering usually during the warm months of the year. However, it is necessary for   Dischidia ovata   and   Dischidia pectenoides  to use soil that must be breathable, sand or perlite with peat should be added if it is too dense. Your email address will not be published. One rooted stem, approximately 3-4 inches in length is shipped bareroot. Epiphytes are plants that grow on other plants rather than out of the ground, and Dischidia is a well-loved genus in this category, known for delicate waxy leaves and vining growth habit. Dischidia plant care is easy provided you follow a few cultivation rules. It's a place where I share my process of discovery, experiments and all my trial & errors. I'm guessing t... Do click and Follow me on my weekly Garden my garden stories and endeavors. Bloom in the summer, sometimes 2 times a year. Dischidias do flower, ususally … Do click and Follow me on my weekly Garden my garden stories and endeavors. This is my collection of Dieffenbachia (Dumbcane) which I had managed to cultivate and grow. Do click on their names to... Characteristics: Like most Piper species - famously known as a Betel Leaf. Plant height. To date, this species does not have a common name. With excess moisture, roots and stems may decay, overflowing is much more dangerous for a plant than a lack of moisture. Quick Shop Dischidia hirsuta D23. They prefer to dry out a little between each watering. This one has oval shaped foliage which appears to be a succulent type. Ideally sold in nurseries in the appearance where the stem rolled around a coconut husk and somehow it is very stable in that condition. • Light green leaves with white edges • Leaf markings resemble watermelons • Ovate-shaped with white stripes • Young leaves are reddish when exposed to direct sunlight • Heart-shaped with pointed tip, fleshy • Closely arranged to each other • Under intense light, leaves will develop red tinge • … An eastern or western window will do. Dischidias are a large group of epiphytic plants native to southeast Asia. The variegated version (labelled as Dischidia ioantha 'Variegata') is more readily available for sale, probably due to its more showy and decorative appearance. Water with soft water is not more often 2-3 times a month in the summer (if not very dry and hot). I'm pretty sure some of my friends would be wondering how to maintain an indoor plant. I'm pretty sure this is one of the plants that hates you when it comes to touching. Easy to grow. You can grow in hanging baskets. With excessive light, the leaves may turn red. Water dischidia when the soil surface starts to dry. I had wanted to list all the begonias and their ID with images here. No Returns: I guarantee live arrival for all plants, but cannot guarantee future results due to variances in care, environment, etc. I'm surprised for something so common as this, planted along many street side is very much taken for granted. ... Store in lower light if leaves yellow or turn brown. Grow dischidia in medium to bright light to keep the plant happy. I have come across many gardeners who had stopped gardening for the fear of mosquito's. However as much as this is known - this one is native and grows wildly around my region. It was one of my zealous moments where I have decided to just go and see whats happening in this Orchid Garden. USDA Zones 9b - 11. Dischidia oiantha. Shoots later dive. Gorgeous succulent, ovate leaves with creamy-white margins. Dischidias are closely related to Hoyas though typically have smaller leaves and indistinct flowers. If the plant is contained in the bark, it is sufficient to moisten the substrate 1-2 times a week. These are my thoughts, experiences & life work. Name: Dischidia iontha (Yellow Variegated) Plant Type : Epiphyte have rooted plants Size : Bare root from pot 4" , Have 5-10 node , 10-16 leaves 14cm Yes. Dischidia nummularia (String of Nickels) is a slender, creeping epiphyte often forming dense masses on trees on which it occurs. Dischidia oiantha 'Variegata' This is a small tropical succulent plant related to a Hoya. Its tiny flowers are often overlooked, measuring only about 2 mm in diameter. Dischidia Oiantha ‘White Diamond’ is a climbing plant featuring a soft pallet of grey-green leaves with edges of subtle white variegation. A common name for this little plant is “Watermelon Dischidia”. This kokedama is basically a formation of cocopeat placed inside a teabag and tied up with a fishing line. Flowers have 5 petals, color from white to red, pink and purple. Difficulties Maybe you will do better. Young leaves are occasionally with powdery bloom. Fertilizing: Generally do not need to be fertilize but light misting of dilute liquid fertilizer at half the dosage is allowed. We have seen this plant sold elsewhere, likely in error, as the species Dischidia oiantha and as Dischidia milnei. The leaves are opposite, round, dull greenish-yellow, thick and succulent and up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) in diameter. The plant has powerful leaves that red on the the inside. Airplant - Tillandsia caput-medusae & tillandsia b... Airplant - Tillandsia xerographica hybrids. Our Epiphytic Dischidia Plaques are like tiny swatches of foliage, cut right out of the jungle. The leaves are small with an oval shape. They are epiphytes so are found clinging to trees in their natural habitat. Most of my friends asked me about where I purchase my plants. Dischidia ovata has oval shaped leaves that are dark green with golden veins. It is very easy to grow, grows quickly, and the heart shaped leaves (hence the common name!) Perhaps propagated apical cuttings 8-10 cm long, which have several kidney, it is desirable to process kornevinom, rooting in moist mixture of peat and sand at a temperature of not lower than 69 ° F. Cover the container with polyethylene or glass on top. Dischidia oiantha produces long trailing vines, well over a metre in length with new leaves being bright green. This is a trailer and will grow on a piece of cork bark in sphagnum moss. The flowers are borne in clusters at the nodes. In its native environment its an epiphytic small growing tropical succulent plant with trailing stems naturally growing on tree trunks or branches. It is a family of oddballs: climbers and vines with swollen-pocket leaves that resemble ravioli. There is a possibility that your plant may experience shipping stress which includes yellowing, wilting or loss of leaves. Don’t worry the plant is rooted and will recover with time and tlc. Propagated by stem cuttings. ... Dischidia Oiantha Veriegata PorcelainBlooms $ 12.00. Origin: Philippines (C. oiantha) Zones: USDA Zones 10a-11 (35-40° F) Size: 6’-10’ in length Light: Light to part shade, some sites say sun Soil: Average, well-drained soil Water: Regular watering Flowers: Produces yellow flowers in spring and summer. These pods are called bullate leaves. Note: This Dischidia White Diamond is … It will look beautiful when planted in a hanging basket! Your email address will not be published. - Dischidia oiantha variegata - Dischidia ovata watermelon - Dischidia sp. Dischidia oiantha 'Variegata' bluish silver variegated leaves are attractive, oval, succulent and have white edges. Its 3cm long oval leaves grow out of runners once support and light is provided. Dischidia oiantha variegata. The plant should be periodically trimmed. Locally known as (Sirih Merah) meaning Red Betel Leaf. Why? It is necessary to take care of the support in advance, it can be made in the form of a ladder or a flexible arch. In the North, some direct sun on the leaves is okay, but in Southern climates, filtered light is better to prevent possible sunburn. Dischidia oiantha 'Variegata' plant | eBay Branching and climbing, semi-woody, this perennial plant grows to 5m tall. Favorite Add to Dischidia Nummularia 'Dragon Jade' BitchesLovePlantsCo $ 20.00. The downside of watering will cost the leaves to turn yellow and start rotting - therefore - the right balance is necessary. The plant can be grown in pine bark, substrate for orchids. Different Types of Dischidia - Names & Images, Dischidia Ruscifolia (Million Hearts Plant), Dischidia pectinoides (Kangaroo Pocket Plant), Senecio macroglossus 'Variegata' (Wax Ivy). This is a trailer and will grow on a piece of cork bark in sphagnum moss. To a mixture of homemade must take: 3 parts sphagnum, 2 parts of leaf soil or peat, 1 part sand. Dischidia variegata requires a warm spot with bright, indirect light and watering when the soil is almost dry. They have a beautiful green to grey color with white variegated edges. Plants generally don't like traveling, but I take many precautions to make sure they arrive in good shape. In the summer: preferably at daytime 64,4-82,4 ° F, in the winter not below 64,4 ° F. The plant tolerates the heat well. Always use a pot with a hole. Dischidia hirsuta D23. Bright diffused light is required make shade from the hot midday rays. It is necessary to take care of the support in advance, it can be made in the form of a ladder or a flexible arch. Strangely as it may seemed - I find some of the... Schismatoglottis wallichii, I still cannot find any common name on this one so far. This one has oval shaped foliage which appears to be a succulent type. Variegated string of nickels; Thruppence urn plant; Shingle plant. The leaves are opposite, round, dull greenish-yellow, thick and succulent and up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) in diameter. Growing on long trailing stems up to 1 meter in length, this species the perfect companion to hang with. There are not much of study done on dischidia concerning their various species and their characteristics. Dischidia is a genus of some 80 species of trailing, twining or scandent, succulent epiphytes found throughout the tropics of Asia (New Guinea, Moluccas, Philippines, India, tropical Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan) through to the western Pacific.. Dischidia are plants that grow on supports such as tree trunks or branches.Their stems may produce roots along the nodes to absorb nutrients … Required fields are marked *. Sun: Dischidia is not a totally shade loving plant but you can place them in bright indoors area. Pet/Baby safe. As Dischidia are epiphytes, they are well suited to growing out of a soil mix, as such this specific plant is established in coconut husks to support its natural growth style. Ovate leaves turn reddish colour in high levels of... View full product details . During the growing season, 2 times a year – in April and mid-July – with a special liquid fertilizer for succulents, diluted two-fold. You can grow in hanging baskets. $15.00 ... Dischidia oiantha (ironinensis) IML 0836 D10. Dischidia plants belong in the milkweed family. The leaves are storing moisture and nutrients and naturally settle ants. This unidentified Dischidia was named after Geri Ham Young, a succulent collector in Honolulu, by Hoya specialist Ted Green of Hawaii. Seeds are lightly sprinkled with earth, cover the plate with glass or polyethylene. Otherwise, it is desirable to spray as often as possible, but it can adapt to more arid conditions, but develop fully is not. Home Dischidia Oiantha is a silver varigated plant. Dischidia oiantha Thick, waxy green leaves grow on trailing stems. This is actually the top of my book rack, its by the window side . Leaves are oblong, acute, dark green, leathery with bands of golden yellow at the margins. Its stem is cylindrical, semi-woody and densely covered with leaves. DISCHIDIA OIANTHA - ALSO KNOWN AS GERI-ANT PLANT - A shingling type dischidia with soft ovate green fleshy leaves on rambling stems. Good drainage is required. from $15.00. In winter, watering is limited to 1 time every 20-30 days. These cascade beautifully once they taken strong roots at the medium but to take caution on over-watering as the whole thing can rot away. The tiny flowers appear in clusters and are yellow green with purple stripes. Dischidia is a genus of plants in the family Apocynaceae.They are epiphytes native to tropical areas of China, India and most areas of Indo-China. A common name for this little plant is “Watermelon Dischidia”. You can sometimes use organic fertilizer. String of nickels succulents (Dischidia nummularia) get their name from their appearance. Dischidia ovata can bloom after sudden temperature fluctuations. It is required to watch, so that the leaves do not fade. It is native to Sri Lanka and South India, and was recently introduced to the Philippines. Nicknames. The leaf color can vary from pale green to a bronze or silvery tone. Shop On Line | Chi Siamo | VarietÀ | Negozio | Blog | Allestimenti; Dischidia Dischidia ovata has oval shaped leaves that are dark green with golden veins. Nursery pot size. In bright light the normally green leaves will take on a purple hue. The best ideal method of plant care and propagation I found that works best is rolling them up on a kokedama ball. Tropical regions of China, India, Indochina, Philippines. Broken stems ooze milky latex sap and the plant often grows aerial roots. 40-50cm. Here are the list Hoya plants - specifically the ones which I had managed to cultivate and grow in my garden. Dischidia pectenoides is the type most commonly grown and produces tiny red flowers and pouch-like leaves. ) is a trailer and will grow on trailing stems considered stable of China, India Indochina! A warm spot with bright, indirect light and watering when the soil surface starts to dry experiences secrets. 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